Samstag, Januar 21

Cute potato is back - Yeepie

Yes she is.

Today the postman brought me a big, heavy package from Australia
I made a little movie showing to you how I unpack the package in order to get a first overview. I load the film on You Tube just because it does not seem to work differently other ways. If he's there I'll probably set him here - I'm really excited and am going to watch tonight's treasures, which includes the package.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh thank you so much for sharing the video with us all. I so enjoyed watching the unveiling. I'm so happy you like the bracelet & that it does fit you.

    Loved the experience of sharing my life with so many others


  2. oh wow!!! thank you so much for videoing it....there was so much loot in that box,i was aamzed at everybodys generosity...
    glad she is home safely...xxxx

  3. Glad she made it home safe and sound....have been thinking about her since I sent her on her way!
