I have been with Sue for a little while now, but thought I should let you know all is OK, and I am having a long rest after traveling so far. Here are a few shots for you to enjoy.
It is Springtime here, and the weather has been very variable, but today it is sunny and warm so I have been out in this huge garden. There are some animals that I don't think I have seen before and a couple of very friendly dogs. One small dog looks a bit like me, but did not want to have her photograph taken - maybe next time. The last picture is one of me relaxing on a pile of natural dyed fabrics.....they smelt of Eucalyptus leaves, quite delicious!
I hope to have some more outings before heading North again.
How wonderful, I love to read all this !!!!
AntwortenLöschenThis is hilarious :-) gave me a great giggle, thanks! Kelly